Master the Art of Daytime Dating: Join Our Weekend Course to Confidently Approach and Attract Women

Dive into the art of meeting and attracting women during the day. Our intensive course empowers you with practical skills and confidence to approach and connect with women. This includes learning how to overcome approach anxiety, start new conversations, flirt with women and share instant dates together.

Boost Your Success: Enhance your learning with a 1-hour strategy session before the course begins and continue to refine your skills with 30 days of personalised WhatsApp support after you complete our course.

Limited Availability

Hosted on the first and third weekend of every month in:

London, Amsterdam, Madrid, New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Detroit, Houston, Miami & Toronto

Full Course Overview

Pre-Course Preparation: One Hour Video Call

Set Clear Goals:

  • Identify Your Aims: Define what you want to achieve from the course.
  • Tailor Your Experience: Align the course content with your personal goals.
  • Focus on Outcomes: Discuss specific skills you wish to improve.

Ask Any Questions:

  • Clear Your Doubts: Ask anything about the course structure or content.
  • Understand Daily Activities: Find out what each day involves.
  • Get Ready: Learn what to bring and how to prepare for each session.

Pre-Course Information:

  • Overview of the Course: Receive a brief on the main topics and activities.
  • Preparation Guidance: Tips on how to prepare for maximum benefit.
  • Access Resources: Information on where and how to access course materials.
Saturday - Master Approaching Women (11am-5pm)


11:00am - 11:45am: Overcoming Approach Anxiety

  • Be coached to stay calm and approach women confidently.
  • Learn immediate techniques to control anxiety.
  • Gain confidence through expert-guided exercises.

11:45am - 12:30pm: Refining Real-World Approaches

  • Receive live coaching to improve your approach in real-time.
  • Get feedback on body language, vocal tone, and eye contact.
  • Learn small changes for better connections right away.

12:30pm - 1:15pm: Advanced Conversation Strategies

  • Learn to handle rejections smoothly with coaching support.
  • Gain strategies to keep conversations flowing under any pressure.
  • Be prepared for any conversational challenge.

1:15pm - 2:00pm: Confidence Boost through Role Play

  • Practice real-life scenarios through role play.
  • Get tailored feedback to perfect your approach.
  • Boost your real-time confidence with immediate results.

2:00pm - 2:45pm: Personalised Approach Feedback

  • Personal coaching feedback on your conversation style.
  • Learn how to initiate and maintain engaging conversations.
  • Instantly improve your ability to connect with women.

2:45pm - 3:30pm: Flirting Mastery

  • Master flirting with direct coaching.
  • Learn engaging conversation techniques for instant attraction.
  • Make your interactions more enjoyable and captivating.

3:30pm - 4:15pm: Crafting Memorable Interactions

  • Learn how to be memorable in every interaction.
  • Strategies coached to forge deeper connections.
  • Stand out and be remembered by women you meet.

4:15pm - 5:00pm: Recap and Q&A

  • Consolidate the day's learning with a comprehensive recap.
  • Clear any doubts with a Q&A session.
  • Overview of tomorrows coaching sessions.
Sunday - Master Instant-Dates (11am-5pm)

11:00am - 11:45am: Mastering Flirting

  • Dive deeper with coaching on advanced flirting techniques.
  • Keep interactions light-hearted and fun.
  • Spark attraction effortlessly.

11:45am - 12:30pm: Mastering Non-Verbal Communication

  • Be coached on using non-verbal signals to show confidence.
  • Learn to quickly attract and build rapport.
  • Master facial expressions and gestures for instant connections.

12:30pm - 1:15pm: Going on Instant Coffee Dates

  • Learn to smoothly turn brief chats into coffee dates.
  • Be coached on establishing quick connections.
  • Create immediate and memorable experiences.

1:15pm - 2:00pm: Mastering Longer Conversations

  • Keep longer conversations engaging with advanced coaching.
  • Maintain women’s interest with smooth dialogue.
  • Use strategies to deepen connections on the spot.

2:00pm - 2:45pm: Strategies for Setting Up Future Dates

  • Learn the best timing and methods to suggest future dates.
  • Get coached on effective communication strategies.
  • Ensure positive responses with expert guidance.

2:45pm - 3:30pm: Creating Sexual Tension

  • Understand and manage sexual tension with expert advice.
  • Learn the cues for building attraction naturally.
  • Be coached to enhance chemistry in every interaction.

3:30pm - 4:15pm: Building Lasting Connections

  • Develop lasting relationships with direct coaching.
  • Cultivate trust and maintain authenticity.
  • Ensure your interactions have long-term potential.

4:15pm - 5:00pm: Recap and Course Completion

  • Review all techniques learned over the course.
  • Chance to clarify any final thoughts with a Q&A session.
  • Confirm you are 100% satisfied with our training.
Post-Course Support: 30 Days of WhatsApp Support

Continuous Skill Refinement

  • Hone Techniques: Continuously improve your approach with expert guidance.
  • Practical Application: Apply learned skills in real-world situations.
  • Feedback Loop: Receive constructive feedback to improve your success.

Personalised Coaching

  • Custom Advice: Get advice tailored specifically to your needs.
  • Interaction Analysis: Discuss your interactions for detailed insights.
  • Strategy Optimization: Adjust your strategies based on expert recommendations.

Ensured Progress and Success

  • Monitor Improvement: Track your progress with professional oversight.
  • Achieve Goals: Reach your goals with continued support and motivation.
  • Long-term Success: Build lasting skills for sustained success in attracting women.
See The Results For Yourself: Newfound Confidence in Action

See The Results For Yourself: Mastering Approach Techniques

See The Results For Yourself: Conversation Skills Unlocked

See The Results For Yourself: Flirting with Success

See The Results For Yourself: Lasting Connections Made

See The Results For Yourself: Experience Newfound Growth

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can benefit from your weekend training course?

Anyone looking to improve their social skills and confidence in approaching and connecting with women in real-world settings can benefit from our weekend training course.


Are there any prerequisites or experience required to attend the course?

No prior experience is necessary. The course is designed to cater to individuals of all experience levels, from beginners to those looking to refine their skills.


What can I expect to learn during the course?

Participants will learn practical techniques for overcoming approach anxiety, initiating conversations, mastering body language, vocal control, flirting and even setting up instant dates, all within the context of daytime interactions.


Will I receive personalised feedback during the training?

Yes, instructors provide personalised feedback helping you to identify strengths and areas for improvement in your interactions with women.


What should I bring with me to the training sessions?

Smart clothing and comfortable footwear are recommended as participants will be walking on the course.

How much is this course?

To ensure you select the most suitable course, we recommend scheduling a free consultation call.

On the booking form, you'll find an option to indicate your budget. This allows us to recommend the best course for you.